The title for this article is “Pokemon Go players flee Shiny Legendary encounters after hundreds of failed catch attempts.”

The title for this article is "Pokemon Go players flee Shiny Legendary encounters after hundreds of failed catch attempts."

The title for this article is “Pokemon Go players flee Shiny Legendary encounters after hundreds of failed catch attempts.”

Pokemon Go players flee Shiny Legendary encounters after hundreds of failed catch attempts

Pokemon Go players have been fleeing Shiny Legendary encounters after hundreds of failed catch attempts, according to a blog post.

The post, which was written by a player who has been playing the game for several weeks, says that the encounters are becoming increasingly difficult to find and that players are resorting to using other methods to catch the creatures.

The player says that they have tried using a variety of methods, including waiting in line for hours, going on walks, and using a map to find the creatures.

The player says that they have also been using a special tool that allows players to find and catch Legendary creatures.

The player says that they are confident that they can find the creatures, but that they are warning other players of the difficulties that they are experiencing. #TECH