Rebranding the Controversy: Elon Musk and the Divisive Nature of Twitter’s Blue Check Marks

Rebranding the Controversy: Elon Musk and the Divisive Nature of Twitter
Rebranding the Controversy: Elon Musk and the Divisive Nature of Twitter

Rebranding the Controversy: Elon Musk and the Divisive Nature of Twitter’s Blue Check Marks

Rebranding the Controversy: Elon Musk and the Divisive Nature of Twitter’s Blue Check Marks

The Blue Check Mark Controversy

When Twitter introduced the blue check mark, little did they know that it would become a symbol of power, controversy, and elitism. Initially, the blue check mark was meant to verify the authenticity of accounts belonging to high-profile individuals like celebrities, journalists, and public figures. However, as time went by, the blue check mark became a status symbol, dividing Twitter users into two categories; the verified and the unverified.

The blue check mark controversy has been in the news lately, with Twitter receiving backlash for granting or revoking the status arbitrarily. Some users have complained that getting verified is an unfair process, while others have argued that verified accounts are given preferential treatment, more visibility, and access to features other users don’t have. This controversy came to the forefront in the midst of tweets and controversies surrounding Elon Musk.

Elon Musk and Twitter

Elon Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO, is no stranger to Twitter controversies. He has used the platform to tweet about his companies, promote his products, and express his opinions, with millions of followers tuning in to read his messages. However, Musk’s tweets have often been controversial, with some users criticizing him for trolling, being insensitive, and spreading misinformation.

While Musk’s tweets were once controversial but harmless, they took a dangerous turn in 2018 when he tweeted about taking Tesla private, claiming to have secured funding for the move. This tweet led to a series of events, including an SEC investigation, lawsuits, and Musk losing his Chairman position at Tesla. Since then, Musk’s tweets have been monitored closely, and he has even had to agree to a social media policy as part of a settlement with the SEC.

The Divisive Nature of Twitter’s Blue Check Marks

Musk’s controversial tweets and the blue check mark controversy intersected recently when he tweeted about an unverified account that had impersonated his company, Tesla. In the tweet, Musk urged Twitter to verify verified accounts, writing ” Twitter, please do your thing.” This tweet led to backlash from unverified users who felt that the blue check mark was being used to silence them.

The tweet highlighted the divisive nature of Twitter’s blue check marks, with some users feeling that it gave verified accounts an unfair advantage. While Musk’s tweet was meant to address a specific problem, it brought to light the larger issue of elitism and divides among Twitter users. It also highlighted the power dynamics at play in social media, with verified accounts seen as being more credible and authoritative than unverified ones.

Rebranding the Controversy

It is time for a shift in how we view and use the blue check mark on Twitter. The original intention of the check mark was to verify the identity of high-profile individuals. Still, it has become a symbol of elite status and unfair power dynamics. Twitter needs to rebrand the blue check mark, removing the symbol’s elitism and making it more inclusive.

Twitter could make this shift by rebranding the check mark as a “verified identity,” a symbol that merely confirms the authenticity of an account without giving any special privileges or advantages. This rebranding should be accompanied by a more transparent and fair process of getting verified, ensuring that people from all walks of life can have their identities confirmed.


Twitter’s blue check mark controversy has been brewing for years, and Elon Musk’s recent tweet about the issue has brought it to the forefront. The controversy highlights the power dynamics at play on social media and the need for a shift in how we view and use the symbol. Moving forward, Twitter should rebrand the blue check mark as a “verified identity,” removing its elitism and making it more inclusive. It is time for a more fair and transparent process for getting verified, ensuring that everyone can have their identity confirmed. By doing this, Twitter can move forward towards a more fair and equitable platform.

Hashtags: #Twitter #BlueCheckMark #ElonMusk #Controversy #VerifiedIdentity #SocialMedia #NEWS