Giornata della Memoria per le vittime della mafia: La Senatrice Segre si rivolge a Don Ciotti
Sunday, March 21, 2021, marked the 28th edition of the “Giornata della Memoria per le vittime della mafia” (Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Mafia). This day represents a moment of reflection, memory, and commitment against the mafia’s violence and criminal activities. On this day, the Senate Vice-President and Holocaust survivor, Liliana Segre, addressed an open letter to Don Luigi Ciotti, founder of the Italian association Libera.
Senator Segre’s Letter
In her letter, Sen. Segre expressed solidarity and admiration for Don Ciotti’s efforts in fighting against the mafia’s power and criminal activities. She also highlighted the importance of an “ethical awakening,” a shared commitment to promoting a culture of legality, and the fight against organized crime. Sen. Segre stated that “speaking up against the mafia is a civic duty” and urged everyone to contribute to prevent and eradicate this phenomenon. She concluded her letter by expressing gratitude to all those who have been working in this field for so long.
Don Ciotti’s Response
Don Ciotti responded to Sen. Segre’s letter with appreciation and gratitude. In his letter, he said that he considers Sen. Segre as a moral reference point and an example of “resilience, generosity, and freedom.” He also acknowledged the importance of having such a strong and committed ally as Sen. Segre in the fight against the mafia’s encroaching power. Don Ciotti thanked her for her words of encouragement and stated that he will continue his work to bring about a just and equitable society.
The Importance of Memoria
The “Giornata della Memoria per le vittime della mafia” is an essential moment of reflection on the victims of the mafia’s criminal activities. It is essential to remember the innocents who lost their lives, those who fought against the mafia, and those who are still fighting to eradicate it. This day represents an opportunity to renew our commitment to promoting a culture of legality, ethics, and morality.
Sen. Segre’s letter and Don Ciotti’s response remind us of the importance of solidarity and shared commitment in the fight against organized crime. As champions of justice and equality, they inspire us to speak up against the mafia’s power and to promote a culture of legality and morality. Today, more than ever, it is essential to remember the victims and to renew our commitment to bring about a just and equitable society, free from the mafia’s criminal activities.
Hashtags: #Dayofremembrance #GiornatadellaMemoria #FightAgainstMafia #CultureOfLegality #EthicalAwakening #NeverForget
Summary: On the occasion of the “Giornata della Memoria per le vittime della mafia,” Senator Liliana Segre wrote an open letter to Don Luigi Ciotti, outlining the importance of an ethical awakening and shared commitment in the fight against organized crime. Don Ciotti responded with appreciation and gratitude, highlighting the importance of having strong and committed allies in this battle. This day represents an opportunity to renew our commitment to justice and equality and to promote a culture of legality and morality. #NEWS