False Beliefs About 2020 Presidential Election Rampant Among Pennsylvania Election Candidates

False Beliefs About 2020 Presidential Election Rampant Among Pennsylvania Election Candidates
False Beliefs About 2020 Presidential Election Rampant Among Pennsylvania Election Candidates

False Beliefs About 2020 Presidential Election Rampant Among Pennsylvania Election Candidates

False Beliefs About 2020 Presidential Election Rampant Among Pennsylvania Election Candidates


The 2020 Presidential Election was a highly contested one, with many states facing allegations of voter fraud and other election-related malpractice. However, in Pennsylvania, those claims have gone a step further. Candidates running for local office in the state have been spreading unsubstantiated and false beliefs about the election, creating an atmosphere of confusion and division.

What Are These False Beliefs?

Many candidates in Pennsylvania have been promoting the false belief that the election was “stolen” from President Donald Trump and that there was widespread voter fraud. These allegations have been thoroughly investigated and debunked by both state and federal officials. Despite this, some candidates continue to spread these untruths.

The Impact of False Beliefs

These false beliefs are harmful in multiple ways. They create a divide between the electorate and undermine the trust in the democratic process. They also serve to delegitimize the actions of those who worked hard to ensure a fair and legal election, including poll workers and election officials.

What Can Be Done?

Candidates and their supporters who continue to promote false beliefs about the 2020 Presidential Election must be held accountable for their actions. They must be challenged on their sources and the evidence for their claims and be called out when they present falsehoods. Additionally, election officials and community leaders must continue to emphasize the importance of accepting the results of a fair election and working towards a united future.


False beliefs about the 2020 Presidential Election continue to be rampant among Pennsylvania candidates. This is not only damaging to the state’s democratic process but also undermines the work of those who have worked tirelessly to ensure fair and legal elections. It is imperative that these false beliefs are challenged and corrected to move forward as a united community.

#pennsylvaniaelections #falsebeliefs #electionintegrity #2020presidentialelection

Summary: The 2020 Presidential Election in Pennsylvania has been the subject of unsubstantiated and false beliefs in regards to widespread voter fraud and stolen election claims. These false beliefs are damaging to the legitimacy of the democratic process and those who worked to ensure a fair election. It is important to hold candidates accountable for their actions and to continue promoting the importance of accepting fair and legal elections for a united future.[4] #TECH