Belize Government Files Memorial at ICJ in Land Dispute with Honduras

Belize Government Files Memorial at ICJ in Land Dispute with Honduras
Belize Government Files Memorial at ICJ in Land Dispute with Honduras

Belize Government Files Memorial at ICJ in Land Dispute with Honduras

Belize Government Files Memorial at ICJ in Land Dispute with Honduras

The Belize government is taking action to resolve an ongoing land dispute with Honduras by filing a memorial to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The move marks an important step towards securing the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

The Background of the Dispute

The land dispute between Belize and Honduras goes back to the early 1800s when the region was under British colonial rule. The dispute centers on an area of land known as the “New River Triangle,” which occupies approximately 2,000 square kilometers.

Honduras has long claimed the area as part of its territory, while Belize maintains that it has sovereignty over the land. The dispute has been a major source of tension between the two countries for decades.

The Memorial

The memorial filed by Belize details the country’s claims to the New River Triangle and outlines the legal basis for its sovereignty over the area. The document argues that the arbitrary line drawn by the British in the mid-19th century demarcates the true border between the two countries. Belize asserts that the disputed area lies entirely within its boundaries.

The memorial also includes analysis of historical, cartographic, and legal evidence to support Belize’s position. It highlights how the region has been administered by the Belizean government for decades, including by providing public services and collecting taxes.

The Importance of the ICJ

The ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations and is responsible for settling disputes between states. Its decisions are binding and final, providing a peaceful means of resolving international conflicts.

The filing of this memorial with the ICJ marks an important step towards a peaceful resolution to the ongoing land dispute between Belize and Honduras. It provides an opportunity for the two countries to have their disputes resolved through legal means instead of resorting to conflict.


The land dispute between Belize and Honduras has been ongoing for over a century. However, the filing of the memorial to the ICJ marks an important step towards a resolution. By providing legal analysis and evidence to support its claims, Belize is demonstrating its commitment to ensuring its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Ultimately, a peaceful resolution to this dispute will benefit both Belize and Honduras, as it will allow both countries to focus on economic and social development rather than territorial disputes.

#Belize #Honduras #ICJ #LandDispute #TerritorialIntegrity #Sovereignty #InternationalLaw #PeacefulResolution #NEWS