“A YouTuber’s Massive Nintendo eShop Spending Spree: $23,000 for Every 3DS and Wii U Game”

“A YouTuber’s Massive Nintendo eShop Spending Spree: ,000 for Every 3DS and Wii U Game”

“A YouTuber’s Massive Nintendo eShop Spending Spree: $23,000 for Every 3DS and Wii U Game”

A YouTuber’s Massive Nintendo eShop Spending Spree:

“$23,000 for Every 3DS and Wii U Game”

In a display of true dedication to the gaming publisher Nintendo, a popular YouTuber recently spent $23,000 on every single game available on the Nintendo eShop for the 3DS and Wii U consoles. The YouTuber, known by the handle “NintendoFanGirl”, documented the entire process on her channel, from the moment she made the decision to embark on the spending spree to the final download of the last game.

The Decision to Buy Every Game

The YouTuber, who has never revealed her real name, said she decided to buy every game on the Nintendo eShop after feeling guilty for not playing some rare titles. She also wanted to show her support for Nintendo, which she says has been the main source of her entertainment since she was a child.

The Process of Buying Every Game

According to “NintendoFanGirl”, the process of buying every game on the Nintendo eShop was a long and tedious one. She spent hours browsing through the massive library of games, searching for hidden gems and rare titles. She also had to create multiple Nintendo accounts to be able to buy a game more than once, as some titles have region locks that prevent them from being played on consoles from certain countries.

The Final Tally

After weeks of buying games and downloading them onto her consoles, “NintendoFanGirl” finally reached the end of her massive spending spree. She had purchased over 1,300 games and had spent a total of $23,000. While she admits that it was a lot of money, she says that she doesn’t regret a single penny of it.

The Fan Reaction

The reaction to “NintendoFanGirl’s” massive spending spree has been mostly positive, with many fans praising her dedication to the Nintendo brand. Some even called her a hero for supporting the company in such an extravagant way. However, there were also a few critics who accused her of wasting money that she could have used for more important things.

The Lessons We Can Learn

While “NintendoFanGirl’s” spending spree may seem excessive, there are some important lessons we can learn from it. First and foremost, it shows the power of dedicated fans and their ability to support the brands they love. It also highlights the importance of spending money on things that bring us joy and happiness, even if they may seem frivolous to others.


A YouTuber known as “NintendoFanGirl” spent $23,000 on every single game available on the Nintendo eShop for the 3DS and Wii U consoles. She made the decision to buy every game after feeling guilty for not playing some rare titles and to show her support for Nintendo, which has been her main source of entertainment since childhood. The process of buying every game was long and tedious, but she eventually purchased over 1,300 games. While the reaction to her spending spree has been mostly positive, there were also critics who accused her of wasting money. However, the spending spree shows the power of dedicated fans and the importance of spending money on things that bring us joy and happiness. #TECH

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