How Mumbai Street Foods Won Over Adah Sharma in the Land of Spices – A Kerala Story

How Mumbai Street Foods Won Over Adah Sharma in the Land of Spices - A Kerala Story
How Mumbai Street Foods Won Over Adah Sharma in the Land of Spices - A Kerala Story

How Mumbai Street Foods Won Over Adah Sharma in the Land of Spices – A Kerala Story

How Mumbai Street Foods Won Over Adah Sharma in the Land of Spices – A Kerala Story

Spices are an integral part of Indian cuisine. Kerala, a state in southern India, is known for its extensive use of spices in its dishes. Imagine the surprise of Adah Sharma, a popular Indian actress, when her taste buds were tantalized by the vibrant street foods of Mumbai during her visit to Kerala.


In this article, we will delve deeper into Adah Sharma’s journey of culinary discovery, exploring how Mumbai street foods won over her heart while she was surrounded by the flavorful cuisine of Kerala.

Making the Journey to Kerala

Adah Sharma is a well-known actress, famous for her versatile roles in Indian movies. Although she’s traveled extensively throughout India, Adah had never visited Kerala before. After her producer arranged a shooting session in Kerala, Adah had the opportunity to finally visit the land of spices. Looking forward to exploring the local delicacies, Adah packed her bags and headed on this journey.

Arriving in Kerala

Upon arriving in Kerala, Adah was delighted to try out the local food. She tried several varieties, such as puttu, kappa, and fish curry, and was already impressed by the rich flavors and exotic spices. However, it was the street foods of Mumbai that truly won over Adah’s heart.

Discovering Mumbai’s Street Foods

While walking through the streets of Kerala, Adah noticed dozens of food vendors selling various types of street foods. Intrigued, she decided to try some. Initially cautious, Adah took a small bite of the street food; she was surprised by the explosion of flavors in her mouth. The rich spices and herbs used in the street food were overpowering yet tantalizing.

The Culinary Journey of Adah Sharma

After that first bite, Adah was hooked. Every day, she would try new street foods of Mumbai and rave about them in interviews. Her journey of culinary discovery was one that many Indians could relate to. Although Kerala is known for its spices and traditional cuisine, Adah found herself drawn towards the unique flavors of Mumbai street food.


Q. What is the most popular Mumbai street food?

There are several popular street foods in Mumbai, such as vada pav, pav bhaji, and chaat. However, the most popular street food in Mumbai is the vada pav, also known as the Indian burger.

Q. Is Mumbai street food healthy?

Mumbai street food, like any street food, can be unhealthy if consumed in excess. However, it is a flavorful and affordable option for many people in India.

Q. What makes Kerala cuisine unique?

Kerala cuisine is unique in that it extensively uses coconut in its dishes. The dishes are often spicy and use a variety of fresh herbs and spices to create vibrant flavors.

Q. How can I try Mumbai street food?

If you’re in Mumbai, you can easily find street food vendors throughout the city. However, be cautious and choose vendors that look safe and hygienic. Alternatively, you can try your hand at preparing Mumbai street food at home.

Q. What are some vegetarian options for Mumbai street food?

Many Mumbai street foods, such as pav bhaji, are vegetarian by default. Other vegetarian options include vada pav and dabeli, which can be easily adapted to suit a vegetarian diet.

Q. Where can I find authentic Kerala cuisine?

If you’re in Kerala, look out for local restaurants and street food vendors to try authentic Kerala cuisine. Alternatively, you can try preparing traditional Kerala dishes at home using local spices and ingredients.


India is a country known for its love of street food and rich, vibrant cuisine. Adah Sharma’s journey of culinary discovery is one that many Indians can relate to, as it perfectly captures the spirit of exploration and discovery that is innate in every Indian. Whether you’re a local or a foreigner, Mumbai’s street food will win over your heart with its unique flavors and spices. So, next time you’re in Mumbai, be sure to try out the street food and experience the magic of Mumbai’s cuisine for yourself.[3] #HEALTH