Delhaize Deurne remains the only Antwerp store closed: “The competition will intensify even more”

Delhaize Deurne remains the only Antwerp store closed: "The competition will intensify even more"
Delhaize Deurne remains the only Antwerp store closed: "The competition will intensify even more"

Delhaize Deurne remains the only Antwerp store closed: “The competition will intensify even more”

Delhaize Deurne remains the only Antwerp store closed: “The competition will intensify even more”

Last year, Delhaize decided to close 14 stores in Belgium, including the one in Deurne, Antwerp. Since then, all of the closed stores have been converted to another supermarket brand, except for the one in Deurne. The closure of the Delhaize store in Deurne has caused mixed reactions, and many wonder what the future holds for this neighborhood.

Local Residents and Small Businesses React

The Delhaize store in Deurne was a favorite amongst local residents for many years. However, the closure of the store has negatively affected the area. The lack of a major supermarket in the area has caused inconvenience, and small businesses in the area have taken a hit due to decreased foot traffic.

Increased Competition in the Area

With the closure of Delhaize in Deurne, other supermarket brands now have the opportunity to fill the gap. However, with the rising competition, these supermarkets will have to come up with new strategies in order to stand out. The competition for these brands is expected to be fierce, and only the best will survive.

Delhaize Remains Optimistic

Delhaize remains optimistic despite the closure of their store in Deurne. They believe that they made the right decision, and that their business in other parts of Belgium will make up for the loss. Delhaize plans to focus on their online platform and their other stores, hoping to increase their customer base in other areas.


In summary, the closure of the Delhaize store in Deurne has had a significant impact on the area. Local residents and small businesses have been affected, and competition amongst other supermarket brands has intensified. Delhaize remains optimistic and plans to focus on their online platform and other stores to help make up for the loss. The competition amongst supermarket brands is expected to be fierce, and we will have to wait and see which brand will come out on top.

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