“Sixty days in bed proves weightless inactivity will do serious harm to Mars-bound astronauts’ health”

"Sixty days in bed proves weightless inactivity will do serious harm to Mars-bound astronauts’ health"

“Sixty days in bed proves weightless inactivity will do serious harm to Mars-bound astronauts’ health”

Sixty days in bed proves weightless inactivity will do serious harm to Mars-bound astronauts’ health

Since the beginning of the space race, the goal of the human race has been to reach the Red Planet. However, the journey has been fraught with danger. For example, in 1969, the Apollo 11 mission was the first time humans set foot on the moon. However, the trip was a disaster. Three astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, died in the crash.

Since then, many other missions have been attempted, but all have ended in disaster. For example, the Mars 2020 mission was set to send humans to the Red Planet. However, the project was cancelled due to budget cuts.

Despite the risks, many people are still interested in visiting Mars. However, the journey is very difficult and it is not clear if it is possible to achieve the goal.

One way to help make the journey easier is to use weightless inactivity. This is a type of exercise that is not possible on Earth. People who use weightless inactivity will not experience the same dangers that people who go on regular trips to the moon or Mars.

However, there are some risks that come with using weightless inactivity. For example, people who use weightless inactivity will not have the same physical abilities as people who are regular users of regular exercise.

Since the beginning of the space race, many people have tried to reach the Red Planet. However, none of them have been successful. This is because the journey is very difficult and it is not clear if it is possible to achieve the goal.

One way to help make the journey easier is to use weightless inactivity. This is a type of exercise that is not possible on Earth. People who use weightless inactivity will not experience the same dangers that people who go on regular trips to the moon or Mars. However, there are some risks that come with using weightless inactivity. For example, people who use weightless inactivity will not have the same physical abilities as people who are regular users of regular exercise. #HEALTH