We Incurred an $860 Bar Bill at a Disreputable Greek Tourist Restaurant

We got stuck with $860 drinks bill at notorious Greek tourist trap restaurant

We Got Stuck with an Expensive Drinks Bill at a Notorious Greek Tourist Trap Restaurant

My family and I recently visited a small Greek island for our summer vacation. We had heard rave reviews about the local seafood restaurants and were excited to try them out. Little did we know that our experience would not be a pleasant one.

We ended up at a restaurant known to be a tourist trap. The menu was full of expensive options and the staff was not the most hospitable. We decided to stay and order a few dishes to share, but the waiter kept pushing us to buy more drinks, which we politely declined.

To our surprise, we ended up with an $860 drinks bill at the end of the night! We couldn’t believe it, and we certainly weren’t able to pay for it. The waiter then insisted that we pay the bill or he would call the police. We had no other choice but to pay the outrageous amount.

The experience left us shocked and disappointed. We had been looking forward to a delicious meal, but instead we were stuck with a huge bill that we could barely afford. We would never recommend this place to anyone, and we advise visitors to the area to avoid it at all costs.